So many of us forget or never really trusted that we have a subterranean treasure chest of gold inside. As we grow older our yearning to dive deep to retrieve and use the wisdom can falter in the wake of a culture who has not fully valued women nor elders. Inside our hearts, our psyches, our bodies, is a reservoir of riches that needs to be remembered and used. This is not a time of falling asleep, but of awakening to give ourselves to a world that desperately needs women to rise.
Join us for ….
When a Woman's Voice Blossoms Forth
Revealing the Voice of Your Truth
~for women of any age
May 16-20, 2018 at Juniper Well Ranch in Skull Valley, Arizona
"Word by word, the language of women so often begins with a whisper.”
― Terry Tempest Williams
In these recent dark months in our country, history is finally being spot lighted by herstory. Now more than ever, women's daring and trembling voices are coming forward and are being listened to! Change is resulting from the courage of the so many. There is still a very long road before us, but we MUST, each of us, scavenge internally in the depth of our souls, for the truest voice we have so that it can have a bright reason to say "me too", rather than one that reveals more horrors of predation. Women's voices are indeed blossoming in so many directions and in those first cracklings of our voices...the first unfolding of the cloaks that have held our truths in... we must give time to gather the speakable genius that was subsumed by too many reasons to fear. Now, let us band together, hold fast to our solidarity, and sing out from our depths...for our children, for our mothers, for our sisters...for the innocents who have no voice.
Through time of quiet reflection, communing with Nature, movement and listening, we will do just that...remember our very particular and essential place in this time. Our voices grow out of a foundation of truth. Together we will imagine, dream, wander, and move our soul voices into our rarefied circle of women so that we might have the chance to recognize it and allow it to grow strong and versatile...and audible.
Jade and Delisa will guide and facilitate poignant experiences of movement, body-centered awareness, nature communion, mutual mirroring, council and supported space for dialogues and inquiry to send us forward!
GUIDES: Jade Sherer and Delisa Myles
DATES: Begin at 3pm on Wed. May 16 and complete by 1pm on Sunday, May 20, 2018.
Please arrange your travel so that you will be there before start time and can stay until we are complete!
COST: $695 Guide Fee
$300-$800 Accommodations and delicious catered meals
$200 non-refundable deposit will hold your place! Please know that these retreats have been filling fast! To apply and find out more, please email Jade here!
*We have a small scholarship fund to support those who are drawn but do not have funding to cover the fees. Please talk with us.
“When one woman doesn't speak,
other women get hurt.”
― Terry Tempest Williams,