Jade Sherer has devoted her life to showing up to support others as they navigate the small and large transitions of their lives. For more than twenty years, she has guided others in nature-based transformational processes and ceremonies and has been a mentor to hundreds of people as they have listened for what is next in their lives and how they might they bring their integrity and authentic genius alive for the world.
Jade’s heartful attunement, sensitivity and intuitive wisdom drove her to naturally become a sort of tracker between worlds…opening terrains of mystery for the ones she works with. She incorporates body and movement into her work with others, as key informers in soul work, as well as dreamwork, deep imagination, self-designed ceremony, council, and encounters and communication with the more-than-human world. She encourages intuitive explorations into new landscapes on the edge of mystery and has deep faith in, and appreciation for, feminine earth-based leadership. The heart of her matter is in her environmental activism in all it's forms.
Jade is currently guiding, mentoring, creating and facilitating custom programs for audiences around the world -- from philanthropists, to students, to women over 50, to CEO’s. She was trained at Animas Valley Institute as well as by Stephen Foster and Meredith Little at the School of Lost Borders. She guided at Animas Valley Institute for 15 years and went on to initiate and train new guides there. She was offered a depth of experience that changed her in fundamental ways by attending Bolad’s Kitchen with Martin Prechtel. She is a graduate of UCSC and is a founder of a green cemetery.
At this time on earth, Jade sees soul-based collaboration combined with mindful self reflection as crucial to growing community, justice, commerce and planetary care. She envisions weaving soul work with activism in impactful ways for the creatures of Earth.
In autumn of 2019, a dream rocked Jade's world in ways she never would have susptected. The dream guided her to finding she had early stage ovarian cancer. Following her dreams with respect she now knows, has lengthened her life. Two years later, she had open heart surgery to replace her aortic valve. In these last four years, she diligently followed her body's lead in her soul work. It was clear to her that these health challenges were absolutely a crucial part of her soul life. Jade's current programs have been altered as a result of this journey and all she has learned. She has turned to face death, grief and aging in courageous ways. She continues to monitor the cancer and follow its lead, while bowing deeply to all that facing her mortality has brought her to understand. Jade is counting her blessings in her life with her four-legged significant other, Ubuntu, amidst the boulders of Prescott, Arizona.
Pssst… are you intrigued? frightened? think you are too busy? Please know that you are not alone. Jade invites any person from any level of experience and celebrates anyone who has the curiosity to inquire.
"Jade has guided me in bringing my soul gifts more solidly into the visible realm with her uncanny ability to plant the perfect seeds in my psyche. I find I am often unaware of the vastness of what was offered until it germinates - guiding me along my path in often profound, unexpected and multi-layered ways. It's rather magical, her ability to listen deeply and discern what thread needs to be tugged or revealed and I have learned to trust her gentle nudges. " ~ Dena Watson-Krasts