What if the world is holding its breath -
waiting for you to take the place
that only you can fill?
~David Whyte
The Invitation: Is now the time?
The Call to Adventure. Are you noticing that the world seems to be getting more and more crazy? Do you feel estranged from a life of meaning and love, and do you wonder what is the point?
Do you feel different than everyone else? Do you sometimes feel like you are just faking it with your friends…acting out a way of being that isn’t actually aligned with your inner truth?
Have you been feeling lost? stuck? hopeless? diminished?…are you asking what IS this life all about?
If so, you are not alone…so many people are there.
"What if we discover that our present way of life is irreconcilable with our vocation to become fully human?” ~Paulo Freire
If any or all of these feel true and you are weary of the masquerade then your inner navigator is working well for you have found your way to a guide! I am here to tell you that YOU have so much beauty and mystery inside of you…AND a great adventure is calling you.
THIS is your ONE life and you actually DO have a choice to make it magnificent…to find meaning…to glimpse your own beauty. Can we solve all your problems? No, but what we can do is to go on a journey together to open some doors into a wider world…into a bigger truth…into the possibility of living your authentic Self into the world and to be on purpose! There is wounding to attend to…addictions and patterns to heal…even shadowy territories to shine light into, and all of that leads us to a bigger reality.
Our approach is to start where you are and begin to dive into your story…your own unique, messy, harrowing, majestic life story. As this unfolds, together we begin to see the gold glimmering there in the depths, as well as the obstacles that get in the way. We catch glimpses of the elements that highlight your unique sensitivities and the vulnerabilities that are 'way show-ers' to your gift and the immense mystery of who you are. We listen to your dreams, offer you tasks of creative impulse or nature connections and mirror to you what I am hearing. We will walk by your side as you approach your magical life.
At "It's Our Nature," we are privileged beyond measure to witness your unfurling story.
Our work is highly experiential and relies on self-inquiry, deep listening and a trust in your own innate wisdom that can guide you along the way. Experiential work includes time on the land, often alone...we offer invitations for wanders that take you into conversations with the more-than-human world as well as work in imaginal and body-based worlds. Council is a meeting place for grounding of stories and a welcome mat for people to remember the importance of their authentic voice and stories. We bow deeply to time with dreams and the mysterious guidance inherent in them. We uphold the intelligence in the deep imagination, body-centered wisdom and movement, dyadic practices of embodiment and sharing, and so much more. Our authentic soul speaks in image and poetics so poetry and sometimes art enhance this journey as well.
. . .you come to a place whose only task is to trouble you
with tiny but frightening requests conceived out of nowhere
but in this place beginning to lead everywhere.
Requests to stop what you are doing right now,
and to stop what you are becoming while you do it,
questions that can make or unmake a life,
questions that have patiently waited for you,
questions that have no right to go away.
~David Whyte
Sometimes our lives change in an instant with one question being asked at the right time. Like the way the light at sunset changes and instantly the whole vast landscape looks different, our way of seeing the world can change as we take certain questions to heart. Because our guides have traversed their own frightening territories of change, our curiosity is overflowing with questions for you and your life. We have questions that will invite you to consider something beyond. When we walk out of our comfort zone and step into a perspective as wide as the sky, we begin to see that our world has the capacity to expand with our viewpoint.... consider these....
What is the life that you dreamed of once upon a time?
What is your heart really longing for?
Do you feel you are contributing meaningfully to a life beyond your own?
Where or when do you feel inspired by something mysterious and greater than your current understanding of life?
Do you feel you belong?
“We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are”
~Anais Nin
There are phases or thresholds to any journey, the journey of transformation being no exception. You may recognize yourself being at one of these thresholds...it is helpful to have a guide who knows this terrain and can walk with you along the way, pointing out the potential obstacles as well as the opportunities for growth. Each phase has its own characteristics and potentialities -- where are you and what are you ready for?
Saying Yes…The Journey Begins.
Okay, you are doing it. You have said yes…either by choice or because the world nudged you towards this precipitous edge.
So often resistance and victimhood take the place of the surrender so this is a huge moment. Congratulations!
Surrender actually sends a message to the world that we trust its mystery…that we believe there is reason we are here and that we are being called towards something more. If you are ready to let go and to say yes (even with trepidation) to the ride of your life, I am here to walk alongside of you.
The soul journey is extremely difficult to do on our own…having a guide to walk with us makes it a very different event. I am here to be that person if you would like to be accompanied.
Are you ready to actually commit to saying yes to this mythic journey?
Are you ready to let go of the thing you THOUGHT you wanted and to descend into the unknown knowing it can be terrifying.
Can you trust that what Life gives you is sometimes contrary to what the people in your life have modeled for you?
The Return/Emerging into Leadership:
Wow, so you've been on some kind of journey...in some other world! Does this world look and feel different to you now??
Sometimes the world initiates us without that being our intention. Sometimes the world throws a curve ball and we are pulled into the underworld in a way that is harrowing and definitely disorienting, and when we come up for air we don’t have any idea how to proceed.
Because so many of us are bereft of a soul support system, we need to bring one in from the edgelands.
I am here and it is such a privilege to get to welcome people back from the wilder lands of soul…to put my ear to your deep story and to help to decipher the exotic symbolic soul language that you have been hearing. These kinds of experiences that the world feeds us, are meant to show us something of ourselves.
The world is hungry for the kind of leadership that naturally is birthed from humans who’ve tread in this terrain....who've looked within honestly and allowed their rooted heart to guide them. I have been honored to listen to such stories for nearly 20 years and would love to hear yours and help to pluck out the gemstones from yours.
“The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.” ~ Mary Oliver
Confused about where to start? I’d be happy to spend 20 minutes with you, free of charge, to discuss it. Email me for an appt.!
"One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began...."
~Mary Oliver