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My muse . . . 

Throughout my life, I have been amazed when I experience the thrill of something I can only call a mystical force, or wild nature itself, or a great and wise being speaking to or through me and I feel compelled to "take dictation."  There have been times when I feel almost stalked by that force…as I do now, by seed. 

Rarely has writing flowed freely from me generated purely from my intellect. When I remember myself as an echo of Earth, I open my heart and can imagine myself as a scribe for something immensely wiser than my small ego self.  

My blog has its own life and comes forwards like a gust of wind when it is ready.

soul it's our nature Jade Sherer seed

The writing that wants to be a book is pushing on me now…it is not a gust but more like the spring desert winds that push more constantly, sometimes fiercely. I can brace against it but I find that exhausting…I am trying to learn the art of surrender. It is frightening and exquisite....and immensely humbling.


There is so much I have learned from the natural world in my years of becoming more human. I feel called, even destined to offer to others what I've learned, in written form. Our language rarely fits exactly into what I hear and I myself feel limited in my ability to honor it as fully as it deserves, and to get my own anthropomorphic lean out of the way. And yet, now as I clamor towards the edge of my 6th decade of life, I feel it is my task to say yes to doing what I can now… to listen more intently and more heartfully. My life has been richer for living closely with Nature. I feel compelled to reciprocate generously where I can and to offer its echo though my writing, with humility, to you.

"I don’t know anyone else in the world who has so totally lived their entire life according to an underlying belief and guiding principle.  

Jade figured out fairly early what was important to her - the love of our beautiful planet - and she has used that to guide everything she has done and continues to do.”                                           ~Barb Godwin (her sister)


Jade Sherer

428 Keen Street

Prescott, Arizona 86305



Site photography by Delisa Myles, Bruce Howatt, Angela Atkinson, Jade Sherer and other talented artists.

© 2017 It's Our Nature.  Website by Atkinson Visions.

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