Long time co-guides, Peter Scanlan and Jade Sherer re-unite
to invite ripened souls to join in a circle of inquiry and contribution with the topic of
Elderhood in this time of unparalleled global challenge...
Our 2023 Facing Our Age programs were such a wondrous experience
that Peter and Jade will be offering this again in 2024.
This may be the last guiding year for Peter, so catch this duo while you can!
Facing our age...
...entering the
terrain of
true elderhood ...
There is just ONE
space left for
Oct. 22-27th, 2024
Limited to
12 wise humans

photo by Delisa Myles
You are not dead yet, it's not too late
To open your depths by plunging into them
and drink in the life
that reveals itself quietly there. ~Rilke
Elders once were common in nature-based tribal peoples and still abound in the natural world as ecosystem, plant, animal, stone, cloud. When we return to the psyche of earth...the soul, we remember our belonging. Here we so naturally can return to our own bodies and its changing rhythms, its aging landscapes, its eroding river canyons and flood plains filling with silt, its tidal oceanic flows, and arrive at wisdom and acceptance for who we are as aging creatures. Here we can find teachers to show us the way to face our age.

As the velocity of human life increases recklessly we face a climate that is warming dangerously, blatant disregard for life, a political system that is rampantly degrading and so many more atrocities. Who do we look to for guidance? For so many modern day cultures, the true wise elders seem to have disappeared so how can we find the answers necessary to face these times? Our answer? We must retrieve our soulful wisdom and grow ourselves into elders...together we must listen without distraction and return to the brilliance of our inner and outer nature in order to find our way forward. It is in coming together and seeing ourselves in the mirror and wisdom of others, that we will find our way to wise elderhood, and gain a way to face our age.
"The need is clear: we must cultivate a robust collective of adults whose primary fealty is to the life-giving world upon which we depend. We must be able to feel our loyalties to watersheds, migratory pathways, marginalized communities, and the soul of the world. We must feel the bedrock of our aliveness, and the reality of our wild and exuberant lives. Initiation tempers the soul, drawing out its hidden essence and calls forth the medicine we came to offer this stunning world. It is time to wake up! ~Francis Weller

"My time spent exploring Elderhood with Jade and Peter last Autumn in Arizona’s Cochise Stronghold was not only one of the richest and most profound personal journeys I’ve ever been on, it’s a one that’s still pulling me along. Peter and Jade laid out a very simple pathway for me (and my resistance!!!) to walk into this deep work; and the things and beings I found there — both the living (Nature) and the less-living (some ancestors) — speak to me still. I will never forget what happened on that land over those five days, and I can’t recommend the experience enough. The food and accommodations were wonderful as well. Go and join them." ~Bruce Jordan

Yes there is still room for you and we'd love to welcome your reflection and wisdom into our circle!
Dharma Treasure Retreat Center
Cochise Stronghold, AZ
April 30 - May 5, 2024 or October 22-27, 24
Guides: Jade Sherer and Peter Scanlan
Pricing for 5 nights of tent camping, shared baths, healthy & delicious catered meals & soulful guidance:
You may reserve a bed in any number of varying priced accommodations directly through Dharma Treasure
for an additional fee if you prefer.
Our time will be spent in council, wanders in nature, work in dyads and alone, ceremony and more.
Please contact Jade if you'd like to apply (short application process) or to find out more information.
There is a $300 non-refundable deposit required to hold your place.
You can either mail a check to the address in the footer or use PayPal or Venmo. We ask that you either add 3% to cover their fees or use the "friends and family" option to avoid those charges.
Please use this email: Jade@itsournature.net for Paypal and for Venmo @Janice-Sherer
"Jade and Peter, along with the natural wonders of the Cochise Stronghold, created an inspiring and safe space for me to explore what true elderhood means. The retreat allowed a deeper acceptance of my aging process with creativity and compassion and anchored an inner knowing of how to live into this challenging, beautiful stage of life. I’m coming back for more! " --Margie Z Louisville, CO
“I continue to ‘live out’ the transformational week I experienced with Jade and Peter in ‘Facing our Age'’ at the Cochise Stronghold, a beautiful and sacred place. I am deeply grateful for the gracious and professional way the guides led us all on our individual journeys of growth and change." ~Jerry