So many of us forget or never really trusted that we, as women, have a subterranean treasure chest of wisdom inside. As we grow older our yearning to dive deep to retrieve and use those gifts can falter in the wake of a culture who has not fully valued women nor elders. Inside our hearts, our psyches, our bodies, is a reservoir of riches that needs to be remembered and used. This is not a time of falling asleep, but of awakening to give ourselves to a world that desperately needs women to rise.
Join us for ….
In the Ocean of Self Love
building the foundation upon which all else thrives
~for women between 22 - infinity
July 17 - 21, 2018
Van der Ryn Eco-Refuge ~ Architecture in Nature
near Pt. Reyes National Seashore

How many of us can say that we deeply love ourselves? Too many of us are hammered daily by voices of judgement, alienation, condemnation and hatred, coming from our own voracious minds. If we are to rise as forces of nature in the world now, when it is so desperately needed, we MUST move from the vibrant core of our most fundamental substance...that vibrational essence inside each and every one of us that is genuine, is true, is wise, is deeply compassionate, and is Nature. We cannot go on giving a feigned love to others that isn't growing directly from an overflowing well of our own generous and honest respectful love of ourselves...yes, a love for our hearts, our minds, our souls AND our bodies! When we finally land in the warm pool of an honest surrendered acceptance and love of who we truly are, those around us will feel it and it will become a benevolent virus for all women the world over.
Through time of quiet reflection, communing with Nature, movement and listening, we will do just that...remember our very particular and essential place in this time. As well we will bless ourselves with amazing food, ceremony, time on the beach, hot tub warmth and rest.
Jade and Delisa will guide and facilitate poignant experiences of movement, body-centered awareness, nature communion, mutual mirroring, council and supported space for dialogues and inquiry to send us forward feeling full and in love!
GUIDES: Jade Sherer and Delisa Myles
DATES: Begin at 3pm on Tuesday, July 17 and complete by noon on Saturday, July 21.
Please arrange your travel so that you will be there before start time and can stay until we are complete! (Inverness, where are AirBnb is, is approximately 1.5 hours north of the San Francisco airport.)
COST: $750 Guide Fee + Room and Board:
Accommodations run from $350-$700 in the very special Eco-Refuge (if we fill we will also have an addition home to use). These will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
For the catering...we have a very special caterer serving up love in the form of food. This cost is $250 for all our exquisite, all organic, very special meals! *Please note that if you have special needs on your food there may be an additional charge.
DEPOSIT: $250 non-refundable deposit will hold your place! Please know that these retreats have been filling fast! (should your guides cancel the retreat your deposit will be refunded). Email Jade now to find out about registration.
***We have a small scholarship fund to support those who are drawn but do not have funding to cover the fees. Please talk with us.
“The world is holy. We are holy. All life is holy. Daily prayers are delivered on the lips of breaking waves, the whisperings of grasses, the shimmering of leaves.”
― Terry Tempest Williams
One participant in a past program had this to say about to us; "You two are incredible collaborators...Nature Moving Women one of the most profoundly nourishing events of my life. I only hope you will do it again!" ~Anita Smith